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Community Health Nursing laboratory helps the students to develop desirable knowledge and attitude on comprehensive care to the individual, family and community. The laboratory is equipped with community bags and articles for performing various procedures such as screening of diseases and care of minor ailments in urban and rural communities. The laboratory consist of models like ideal home, ideal village, different types of wells, latrines, methods of water purification etc. Family folders for home visits are maintained in the laboratory. The Audio visual Aids including puppets, charts, flash cards, posters, pamphlets, Video player etc from the laboratory are utilized by the students to conduct school health programmes, Mass health education programmes and other public awareness programmes.

Details of Laboratory Equipments :

Sl. No.
Particulars of Equipments
 Community bag
2.  Models
3.  Charts
4.  Flash cards
5.  Puppets
6.  Haemoglobinometer
7.  Route Map and area Map